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Practice Stick Cricket Online Game Practice Stick Cricket (0 plays)
Great game to practice stick cricket and improve your cricket skills. Control the bat by moving your mouse. Hit the ball...
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Cool alien invaders game, great fun!
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Safety Run flash game Safety Run
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Play as Bush and Roam the streets and gun-down all the terrorists.
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Random Online Game News

Poker Room Review: Caesar's Palace, Las Vegas Online Games, April 10, 2007
Which is the biggest poker room in Las Vegas? Well by square footage the clear answer is Caesar's Palace at over 14,000 square feet. If you simply were to walk into every poker room in the city and count the number of poker tables, again your answer would be Caesar's Palace with over 60 tables. However, there are those purists who would argue that only 30 of those tables are in the main poker room and all the rest are 'tournament' tables.

This inevitably leads to the next question: Does any poker room in Las Vegas have a separate, dedicated tournament room? Answer: Yes! Caesar's Palace.

So take your pick but either way Caesar's is a big room and a big, well run poker room.
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Super Princess Peach Review Online Games, March 11, 2006
I remember the very first video game that I ever played. We were living down in Parris Island, SC in late 1985 and my parents went to the local Service Merchandise and bought me an original NES. They had purchased Super Mario Brothers along with the system. To this day, I still have fond memories of reading the book, thinking a goomba was a 1-up mushroom and running into it three times in a row to a game over.

I never thought that, over 20 years later, I'd still be video gaming like I was then. Just a few days ago, I picked up a platformer from Nintendo, Super Princess Peach. See, after over 20 years, Bowser finally figured out how to capture Mario instead of the Princess. You'd think he would have figured that one out by now, but hey. No big deal, though - Mario and Luigi aren't the only heroes in the Mushroom Kingdom.
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