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About bleke
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Member since: 17-09-2006 (Day-Month-Year)
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Online Rank #5,610#5,603 billabongpro2006 #5,604 achilles gifts #5,605 adie2356 #5,606 hunrilmac #5,607 chriso #5,608 sait #5,609 locosaint #5,610 bleke #5,611 escorpiano04 #5,612 1jeanderson #5,613 justintime10 #5,614 the_clown1 #5,615 kial #5,616 Kayli #5,617 Jas #5,618 dog
Online Statistics
Online Games Played: 2
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Battle Field 2 Online Plays per Day: 0.0 Last Played:Battle Field 2 This Online profile has had 2,461 views.
Most Popular Online Game list
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Infiltrate your sub through enemy waters to complete 3 missions vital for the war effort.
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Random Online Game News
Super Mario Party 8 Review Online Games, July 9, 2007...Mario Party 8, despite being on the Wii, is almost identical in terms of presentation and scope of the previous installments. It's still a hyper cute, turn-based board game where Mario characters attempt to collect stars, beating out other denizens of the mushroom kingdom. The highlight of these matches comes from the minigames, which have always been the main draw of the Mario Party series. And they're back in full force, with tons of varieties, ranging from 1-on-3, 2-on-2 or free for all battles...
...In the end, Mario Party 8 is a fine choice if you loved the first 7 entries and are dying for more. If you're looking for a change, though, 8 barely offers it in the form of basic motion controls. Other than that, this is kiddie fodder, through and through.
Read complete review at:
www.ugo.comHellgate London Review Online Games, November 29, 2007Demons, zombies, foul squishy monsters, leaping beasties that fly at you from across the street. Poor London. Hell has vomited its array of nastiness upon the city and inhabitants have been forced to hole up in the Tube, that is, the subway. Mind the gap.
You, brave Templar, Cabalist, or Hunter, make your way to the nearest station over the course of a delightfully worded tutorial-hints of the laugh-out-loud dialog to come-and prepare for battle. Humanity won't go down without a fight!
London looks good, even if it has become the spawn point for all the evil in the world. There are plenty of crates and barrels to smash, sending pieces flying all over the place and...
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