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Online Rank #4,238

#4,231 mali2x
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#4,237 stnbth
#4,238 marcia
#4,239 Aneta
#4,240 NGOWANI
#4,241 kyledavison
#4,242 sachit
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#4,244 matthew334
#4,245 kathkemp
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Online Statistics
Online Games Played: 3
Highest Rank Ever: #1,307
Most Played: Mario Brother 3
Online Plays per Day: 0.0
Last Played:Franks Adventure 4
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Random Online Game list

Franks Adventure flash game Franks Adventure
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Random Online Game News

Texas Hold'Em Poker Review Online Games, September 11, 2006
Now that many real-money online poker sites are starting to close due to federal legislation, many gamers are deciding whether they're in it for the money, or for the thrill of poker itself. The most popular form of poker nowadays is Texas Hold 'Em, and video games and TV shows basedon it are everywhere. And the Xbox 360 can be put on the list of platforms with a Hold 'Em game - Tikgames' Texas Hold 'Em for the Live Arcade has just launched on Microsoft's powerhouse console, and while you'll find the graphics to be anything but impressive, the online play is better. But how much better?...

...Online is where it's at for this game, but this still winds up being nothing like a real poker game at a real table. Sure, the chat system over your headset works for all players at all times, but you're still missing one of three main tools a poker player needs to win: the math, the betting habits of his opponents, and the "tells" those opponents give. Sure, you can use the first two, but just like any online poker game, it's not as much fun without the poker face...

Read full Texas Hold'Em Poker review at:
More Online Game News
Mario Kart Wii Reviewed Online Games, May 21, 2008
...From a single-player perspective, Mario Kart Wii offers about as much depth has it has in previous entries. Race through a bunch of different tracks and engine levels against AI racers to win new characters, vehicles and tracks. Very straight forward, almost to the point of phoning it in. Considering how much work went into the single-player of Smash Bros Brawl (another primarily multiplayer game), some cutscenes or an overarching story would've gone a long way.

For multiplayer, you can play split screen with up to 4 players, or hop online with one other person and take on folks from around the globe. While playing living people adds to the challenge of the game, Mario Kart really loses something if you're playing against people that aren't on the same couch as you, and the lack of voice chat doesn't help matters much. Though it's there, the cumbersome nature of the online features means that you're probably better off sticking with local games...

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