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Online Rank #1,706#1,699 ciarr_mon #1,700 mp1968 #1,701 sum1black #1,702 pretty girl #1,703 bratzgirl2006 #1,704 countryblack #1,705 zachary.payne1 #1,706 mario12345 #1,707 aquamarine4eva #1,708 j36 #1,709 susanita #1,710 Flea872 #1,711 Limys #1,712 snowqueen_225 #1,713 sexyhotthang #1,714 coolo121
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Online Games Played: 9
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Jurrasic Pinball Online Plays per Day: 0.0 Last Played:Miniture Golf This Online profile has had 2,175 views.
Most Popular Online Game list
Practice Stick Cricket (0 plays)
Great game to practice stick cricket and improve your cricket skills. Control the bat by moving your mouse. Hit the ball...
Mars Mission (0 plays)
Cool alien invaders game, great fun!
Golden Arrow (0 plays)
Score as many points as you can.
Mosquito (0 plays)
Splat the mosquitos before they suck his blood
Random Online Game list
All Out
Get all the lights out by making up the sequence. Start and play this online game.
Pang Arcade Game
This version of pang is a remake of the original arcade pang back in the 80's. Use the arrow keys to move right, left, d...
Gr8 Racing
This is a really cool online rally racing game. Post your best racing laptimes in our forum!
Big Fish Games
In Big fish game you must eat the little fish and avoid the big fish. The bigger the fish the more you will grow and the...
Random Online Game News
Review: Diddy Kong Racing (Nintendo) Online Games, February 27, 2007...Diddy Kong Racing is all about using miniature go-karts, stunt planes and inner-tube hovercraft to win races and defeat a giant space-pig (your life is now enhanced with this knowledge). If someone gave the Muppet Babies some Power Wheels cars, you would pretty much have Diddy Kong Racing...
...Remember when you got Mario Kart 64 and played the hell out of it, then you checked out Diddy Kong Racing because Mario Kart was so old? But you and your friends would still rather play Mario Kart 64 any day of the week? That's the same feeling you'll get with Diddy Kong Racing DS. It's great filler if you need a change of scenery, but still a distant second behind Mario Kart DS...
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www.gamerevolution.comWorld of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade Previewed Online Games, January 17, 2007It's been over two years since Blizzard Entertainment unleashed World of Warcraft upon the masses, and back then no one was sure how well the new MMORPG was going to do. We saw dwindling numbers in past MMO successes like Everquest and Dark Age of Camelot, and people were really unsure of whether a company who had previously delivered only strategy and action/RPG titles on the PC were going to do with an MMO.
As you probably know, it turns out that World of Warcraft was a smashing success. It was almost too successful for its own good, causing too many people to log on at once and lag every single server, all of which at one point were overcrowded. Since then, Blizzard has added dozens and dozens of servers, expanded its player base to 8 million people worldwide, and added quite a bit of free, new content that's mostly aimed at the high-level players. But it's been a long time and while a new dungeon every five or six months has been fun, Blizzard is finally releasing The Burning Crusade, the first expansion pack for World of Warcraft...
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