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Asesino_Letal's Online profile
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About Asesino_Letal

Name: antonio garay
Age: 32

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Location: chaco
Country: Argentina

Member since: 29-01-2012 (Day-Month-Year)

Status: In open relationship
Sexuality: Straight
Ethnicity: Black
Religion: catolico

Body Type: Defined

Drink?: I drink often
Smoke?: I don't smoke
Drugs?: I sometimes use drugs

About Me

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me gusta chupar la concha de mi mujer

Other Information

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Asesino_Letal's Friends
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Online Rank #11,302

#11,295 hadie
#11,296 sebastianferaru
#11,297 skrillex 98
#11,298 Duo
#11,299 agmic
#11,300 bishaalbanese
#11,301 lil b4556
#11,302 Asesino_Letal
#11,303 graceuu
#11,304 vagnerbarbosa
#11,305 zorafendi
#11,306 zhorns
#11,307 kevin1811
#11,308 lucas56
#11,309 iche649
#11,310 vera4u

Online Statistics
Online Games Played: 0
Highest Rank Ever: #11,049
Most Played: None.
Online Plays per Day: 0.0
Last Played:None.
This Online profile has had 2,414 views.

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Great game to practice stick cricket and improve your cricket skills. Control the bat by moving your mouse. Hit the ball...
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Random Online Game News

Wolfenstein Preview Online Games, August 4, 2008
Wolfenstein is being created for simultaneous release on the PC, PS3, and 360 - previously, id as well as other PC-centric developers have moved away from their home platform and towards consoles, citing piracy as well as difficulty with sales overall as the reason. Some thought that meant that id was abandoning the PC altogether or intended on tossing together a sloppy console-like port as an afterthought, but if Wolfenstein is the standard that they're setting for themselves, I don't think we have much to worry about. id's own Kevin Cloud said that his home platform is still the PC and his playtesting sessions with this game take place on PC. For the demo I saw it on the 360, but Raven's Eric Biessman said that they could have brought the PC version too except that they didn't feel like bringing a gaming-based desktop PC with them on the plane, and that the 360 is more portable in that regard.

pressed on, though, and asked about the game engine - it's based originally on the Quake 4 engine but in the four years since that was released, Raven's changed the engine enough for Wolfenstein that it's pretty much separate technology by now. I also expressed doubts about what kind of a PC release we'd get when consoles have to be...>>

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More Online Game News
Crave deals next-gen poker game Online Games, March 11, 2006
World Championship Poker goes "All In" with Xbox 360, PS2, and PSP versions; new title features mixed games, 18 types of poker.
One of the keys to poker is being able to get a read on your opponent. By carefully studying visual cues made by rival gamblers, pros can get a bead on their opposition's hands, making that decision to call or fold much easier. Soon, gamers may be able to look into the dilating pupils of some next-generation digital-card players to decide whether it's worth risking some fake money.

Crave Entertainment is dealing its World Championship Poker series a third hand. The publisher has announced that World Championship Poker: Featuring Howard Lederer "All In" is currently being developed for the Xbox 360, PlayStation 2, and PlayStation Portable but has not yet revealed a release date.

All In will feature 18 different types of Poker, including Omaha, Texas Hold 'Em, and Five Card Stud. The game's single-player campaign mode now features series tournaments, mixed games (multiple variations of poker in one sitting), and ...

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