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About jOrDyN-G-hArD
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Online Rank #4,432#4,425 cutiegirl09 #4,426 tigerlil123 #4,427 gwhizza87 #4,428 YakuzaNinja #4,429 humaeroh #4,430 Tanz #4,431 720joseph #4,432 jOrDyN-G-hArD #4,433 jplarisse #4,434 VacaboN #4,435 googlegirlizhott #4,436 henna #4,437 billywilly #4,438 LILIREY #4,439 lily #4,440 kiran1010
Online Statistics
Online Games Played: 3
Highest Rank Ever: #2,229
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Drag Racer V3 Online Plays per Day: 0.0 Last Played:The Fast and the Furious This Online profile has had 1,889 views.
Most Popular Online Game list
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Random Online Game list
Remember snake on the old nokia? This is the re-make
Crazy Frog Dance
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Random Online Game News
PC: Neverwinter Nights 2 review Online Games, November 13, 2006It has been many years since the war with Luskan and the plague devastated the city of Neverwinter. Now the hamlet of West Harbor has been attacked by mysterious evil forces. Many died, but with your help, the village managed to repel the attackers. Your father believes these fiends were seeking a hidden silver shard he had hidden away – a magical relic from the war thought to be mostly valueless. So he dispatches you to take the shard to your uncle in Neverwinter who has another...
...With fifty hours of game story, branching down different paths based on your moral choices, the Neverwinter Nights 2 game would have already been a hefty game adventure. But with the thousands of amateur dungeon masters that can’t wait to get in on the action, this quest will truly have no end. Despite a few nagging issues, this trip to Neverwinter is a ...
Read Full Neverwinter Nights 2 review at:
www.gamerevolution.comSpider Man 3 Online Games, May 28, 2007...The game controls are essentially the same as what we've seen since Spider-Man 2. You'll swing through the city on web ropes which are shot and swung from by pressing and holding the R trigger (R2 on the PS3). Releasing the button causes Spidey to let go; press it again while in mid-air and you get another web rope and another swing. It's a very simple mechanic that's worked amazingly well in the past and continues to do so in this game...
...Much like the last game, you'll advance the story by traveling through the city to event markers, each of which is connected to one of the game's many missions. The narrative is far more open-ended this time around, with plenty of Spidey villains not featured in the films (though the geriatric Vulture doesn't show his liver-spotted head for once) and three gangs tearing the city apart, each having its own territories and mission line...
Read full review at:
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