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Member since: 13-10-2007 (Day-Month-Year)
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Online Rank #8,280#8,273 wogdog #8,274 Nouman #8,275 zachary #8,276 becca #8,277 daydrmr #8,278 loves_to_spooch69 #8,279 missy2007 #8,280 kaye #8,281 keymoni0 #8,282 halo dude244 #8,283 AndyD #8,284 mama #8,285 lburt #8,286 gunslinger #8,287 Jacobdue #8,288 summer
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Most Popular Online Game list
Practice Stick Cricket (0 plays)
Great game to practice stick cricket and improve your cricket skills. Control the bat by moving your mouse. Hit the ball...
Mars Mission (0 plays)
Cool alien invaders game, great fun!
Golden Arrow (0 plays)
Score as many points as you can.
Mosquito (0 plays)
Splat the mosquitos before they suck his blood
Random Online Game list
Motor Bike
Cool motor racing game where you ride your motor bike through desert landscapes and have to complete all the motor racin...
Ping Pong
Ping Pong, does exactley what it says on the tin. Play ping pong in 3d!
The Way of The Stick
A Stick version of The Matrix!
Mars Patrol
Patrol the red planet and take out those evil aliens.
Random Online Game News
Alone in the Dark Review Online Games, July 14, 2008Many gamers are going to buy Eden Studios' Alone in the Dark and instantly take a liking to the game's all together different approach. The episodic format, the highly stylized cinematic set pieces, the HUD-free presentation, the first/third person gameplay, the 1:1 analog controls for two-handed weapons... there's a lot of forward-thinking stuff to latch on to. However, no matter how enthusiastic the gamer, all will eventually be given pause. Maybe it's a car getting inexplicably lodged in some invisible part of the environment. Maybe it's a needless death because the camera didn't catch up to the action quickly enough. Maybe, just maybe, the game will even crash and take with it any progress you've made in an episode. These problems will occur, and then most will pop up again. In the end, the gamer will ...
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www.ugo.comDS Review: The World Ends With You Online Games, June 11, 2008Despite a few clichés and silly kangaroo monsters, the artful character dramas burn slowly over the eight-hour playtime, until you hungrily wish to see them go further at the game's conclusion. In the meanwhile, there's still plenty of game to play and story to see after the credits roll... but enough about that. Parents be warned, Neku and company get a Teen rating for a bit of foul language.
With the frantic dual-screen battles in a dense little city, The World Ends With You is a surprisingly hardcore, impossibly ambitious DS title. This pint-size powerhouse might sadly intimidate a few DS owners and their Pokeymans. Don't get scared off; put down your Zeldas and your juice boxes for two minutes and try taking on The World.
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