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naseerkhalil's Online profile
Check out naseerkhalil funny profile: view the online profile from naseerkhalil. Send a personal message to naseerkhalil, view images uploaded by naseerkhalil and tons more cool things to do. Also check out our free funny games we have selected for you.

naseerkhalil's Online profile

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About naseerkhalil

Name: naseer khalil
Age: 33

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Location: karachi
Country: Pakistan

Member since: 02-09-2011 (Day-Month-Year)

Status: In relationship
Sexuality: Curious
Ethnicity: Other
Religion: islam

Body Type: Medium Build

Drink?: I don't drink
Smoke?: I don't smoke
Drugs?: I don't use drugs

About Me

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iam muslim and belong to islam

Other Information

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islam and computer and internwt

naseerkhalil's Friends
Online Avatar

Online Rank #7,262

#7,255 Biutzza
#7,256 buda
#7,257 yasir
#7,258 ilo099
#7,259 affiq
#7,260 Riley1990
#7,261 Cannonhome1
#7,262 naseerkhalil
#7,263 kathleensanluis
#7,264 syazriladha
#7,265 SiRreal Killer
#7,266 Andi2012
#7,267 diogo999
#7,268 mamat
#7,269 kiki bah
#7,270 olala

Online Statistics
Online Games Played: 2
Highest Rank Ever: #10,446
Most Played: Counter strike online
Online Plays per Day: 0.0
Last Played:Counter strike online
This Online profile has had 2,570 views.

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Super Mario Galaxy - Wii preview Online Games, August 7, 2006
...We don't know much about the back story yet. Heck, even 'Super Mario Galaxy' is just a working title, and with Nintendo's recent working title track record, expect a much less compelling moniker to grace the final game. Is the word Galaxy too threatening for us terrestrial types?...

...Even simple Mario jumping is a little different, since (so far) there aren't a whole lot of walls and barriers. Instead of the 3D worlds of Mario 64 and Sunshine, Galaxy's planets are largely open spaces with some occasional stuff to climb on - more like the 2D worlds of classic Mario, in other words...

...'Fresh' is a word I love to apply to a twenty year-old franchise. It's a bit early to proclaim that Super Mario Galaxy will be Mario's Metroid Prime, but no other game has done as much to sell me on the Wii as Mario's, still sexy after all these years..

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World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade Previewed Online Games, January 17, 2007
It's been over two years since Blizzard Entertainment unleashed World of Warcraft upon the masses, and back then no one was sure how well the new MMORPG was going to do. We saw dwindling numbers in past MMO successes like Everquest and Dark Age of Camelot, and people were really unsure of whether a company who had previously delivered only strategy and action/RPG titles on the PC were going to do with an MMO.

As you probably know, it turns out that World of Warcraft was a smashing success. It was almost too successful for its own good, causing too many people to log on at once and lag every single server, all of which at one point were overcrowded. Since then, Blizzard has added dozens and dozens of servers, expanded its player base to 8 million people worldwide, and added quite a bit of free, new content that's mostly aimed at the high-level players. But it's been a long time and while a new dungeon every five or six months has been fun, Blizzard is finally releasing The Burning Crusade, the first expansion pack for World of Warcraft...

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