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zohanaz's Online profile
Check out zohanaz funny profile: view the online profile from zohanaz. Send a personal message to zohanaz, view images uploaded by zohanaz and tons more cool things to do. Also check out our free funny games we have selected for you.

zohanaz's Online profile

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About zohanaz

Name: zoha naz
Age: 28

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Location: andhra pradesh
Country: India

Member since: 06-11-2011 (Day-Month-Year)

Status: Single and happy
Sexuality: Straight
Ethnicity: American Indian
Religion: islam

Body Type: Slim, Toned

Drink?: I don't drink
Smoke?: I don't like people smoking
Drugs?: I don't use drugs

About Me

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i lik playing barbie dressup games and making friends,i lik to do chat with teenages or nearly my.....
so plz any body chat with me,by n hav a nice day

Other Information

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zohanaz's Friends
zohanaz has 1 friends.
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Online Rank #3,241

#3,234 pooja
#3,235 callham
#3,236 Andi
#3,237 toper
#3,238 maliki
#3,240 satya
#3,241 zohanaz
#3,242 miaka_tetris
#3,243 Blacks Eyes
#3,244 Jolingirl
#3,245 msharvin
#3,246 nero
#3,247 jenqueen
#3,248 Emanuel1997
#3,249 shafieq

Online Statistics
Online Games Played: 5
Highest Rank Ever: #10,725
Most Played: Barbie dress up games
Online Plays per Day: 0.0
Last Played:Barbie dress up games
This Online profile has had 2,525 views.

Most Popular Online Game list

Practice Stick Cricket Online Game Practice Stick Cricket (0 plays)
Great game to practice stick cricket and improve your cricket skills. Control the bat by moving your mouse. Hit the ball...
Mars Mission Online Game Mars Mission (0 plays)
Cool alien invaders game, great fun!
Golden Arrow Online Game Golden Arrow (0 plays)
Score as many points as you can.
Mosquito Online Game Mosquito (0 plays)
Splat the mosquitos before they suck his blood
Random Online Game list

Capture The Flag flash game Capture The Flag
A...weird game. You don't even have to capture a flag. :/
Boom Boom flash game Boom Boom
Play Beach vollyball with half naked ladies, woo!
Birdy flash game Birdy
Eat the smaller prey, don't get eaten yourself in the birdy game.
Penguin Arcade flash game Penguin Arcade
Knock those penguins senseless with your big ice-cube-shooter-gun-thingy.

Random Online Game News

Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess reviewed Online Games, November 27, 2006
Way back in 1987, a fat little boy (or possibly an elf) in a floppy green hat picked up his wooden sword, and went off to save Princess Zelda. It was an enormous, revolutionary game that created the Action/RPG genre all by itself. I was only a lad myself at the time, but if I had been a video game critic back then I would have given it an...

...You must solve lots of classic Zelda style puzzles, lighting torches to open doors, burning spider webs that block your path, blowing up boulders with your bombs, shooting out the right bits with your bow, and using your chain shot to reach areas you couldn't before. Sound familiar? That's because it is, but it's still good fun, and Twilight Princess Zelda maintains a respectable level of challenge, without ever being frustrating or getting you lost...

Read full Zelda Twilight Princess review at:
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Mario Kart Wii Reviewed Online Games, May 21, 2008
...From a single-player perspective, Mario Kart Wii offers about as much depth has it has in previous entries. Race through a bunch of different tracks and engine levels against AI racers to win new characters, vehicles and tracks. Very straight forward, almost to the point of phoning it in. Considering how much work went into the single-player of Smash Bros Brawl (another primarily multiplayer game), some cutscenes or an overarching story would've gone a long way.

For multiplayer, you can play split screen with up to 4 players, or hop online with one other person and take on folks from around the globe. While playing living people adds to the challenge of the game, Mario Kart really loses something if you're playing against people that aren't on the same couch as you, and the lack of voice chat doesn't help matters much. Though it's there, the cumbersome nature of the online features means that you're probably better off sticking with local games...

Read full review at:
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